Bill's Story

I never envisioned being homeless or coming to the Lighthouse for a place to stay. But, in hindsight it was probably one of the best things that could have ever happened. I am so glad it was here when I needed it.

I grew up in Bartlesville, and as a young child went to church regularly. My parents divorced when I was five. Both of my parents were very loving. My father’s family had an extensive history of alcoholism, but my mother’s family was very religious.

My father unexpectedly passed away when I was ten years old of a massive heart attack. That was a crushing blow and would affect my attitude about life tremendously. I was a very angry young boy and became rebellious in my early teens and began using alcohol and marijuana.

As I grew older I progressed to harder drugs. I was arrested several times for various alcohol and drug-related charges. I went to treatment for drug addiction when I was 22 years old and had my first real encounter with God since childhood.

Over the years I had three broken marriages, and fathered two daughters. I
didn’t know how to be a husband or a father. My walk with God throughout my adult life was very inconsistent, broken and unstable. In 2004 my wife passed away from a blood clot in her heart. I battled depression and periods of binge drinking for the next 12 years. My youngest daughter, Maranda had served time in prison and was released in 2016.

I am so glad the Lighthouse was here when I needed it.